Thanks for choosing to learn Japanese with us. We've been hard at work over the last year building the language learning platform of the future: NativShark. The time has come and we're now releasing content and features for NativShark.
As such, we're no longer updating or supporting NihongoShark.
Go sign up for and check out NativShark!
There's constant updates coming out for both free and subscription content, and subscriptions will be even more affordable now. It's an exciting time to be learning Japanese.
Check out the new features and content that are coming:
The Future of Japanese Learning
Four Phase System
Reaching your fluency goals in Japanese will take time and excellent guidance.
That's where our Phase System comes in.
We've broken down the daunting task of figuring out "what do I need to study" and "when do I need to study it" into four distinct phases of fluency.

If you already know some (or a lot of) Japanese, NativShark will help you get started in the phase that's right for you.
Meet Some of the Tools You'll Use

Personal Dashboard
Keep track of all of your progress in one easy-to-understand place.
Advanced Stats
All of the details you could want about when, what, and how long you studied, along with how well you understood the material, and more.
Robust Account & Study Settings
Manage your account and study preferences all in one place.
Light and Dark Mode for Every Page

Conjugation Drills
Haven't you always wanted a beautiful verb conjugator to conjugate verbs to your heart's content? ^_^Try it now!

Notes & Bookmarks
Take quick notes and make your own highlights anywhere within lessons and flashcards. Give them custom labels so you can remember why you highlighted that one sentence in blue...
Beautifully Designed Lessons
Easy-to-read conversational style lessons packed with immense detail, designed just the way your brain likes it.What Drives Our Method & Sets Us Apart

Integrated SRS
Powerful and reliable spaced-repetition flashcards seamlessly integrated into the NativShark study experience.
Advanced Scheduling (pace slider)
Study at your own pace. Reach your goals when you want to. If you stick with your studies, you will learn Japanese. You just have to show up every day and we'll do the rest ^_^Question-Driven Learning
Generate "quizzes" from your recent studies.
These are not multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or "type in the exact translation" types of quizzes, which don't really improve language skills in a meaningful way.
Instead, these will be exercises that require critical thinking, problem solving, and coming up with your own unique answers to questions.

Advanced search and cross-referencing across the entire platform
Everything Has Purpose
We've spent the last 5+ years developing the content and learning process that the NativShark system is based on.
All of the content is optimized to get you to your personal language goal without wasting time or being uncertain what you should study, that way you're able to spend your efforts actually studying.
All of the Japanese you come across written in the platform has been checked and vetted by first-language Japanese speakers.
All of the sentences you come across have audio and can be added to your own "Shadow Loops" so that you can hear the natural sentences repeated as many times as you like to really drill in the correct pronunciation and intonation.
How Much Will I Learn?
A lot.
We have enough to take you from knowing no Japanese all the way through JLPT N1 - the top tier of Japan's notorious advanced fluency exam.
We also have a special path for those preparing for a trip to Japan, so if you're thinking "Help, I'm going to Japan in three months!" we've got you.
The amount of content will quickly continue to grow as well. NativShark is a live service and we will always be pushing out fixes and updates.
Where you can expect to see the most growth in new content in the coming months is in phases 3 and 4 (especially 4).
We have SO much cool stuff coming. We can't wait to get NativShark out to you so that we can get to work on this new content.
In the meantime though, keep working towards your fluency goals!
We're excited to show you more over the next couple of months! There's so much to share.
Visit and sign up!
Have questions? Want to talk with the dev team? Look for the #nativshark-platform-questions channel in our Discord.