157 - High-Impact Images for Messaging, Part II

In yesterday's lesson, there were so many images (from this page) that we didn't get to look at.

So let's look at some more!

Source: ビビ - ワンピース

…私は!!! あの男を許さないっ!!!
...わたし は!!! あの おとこ を ゆるさないっ!!!
I'll... I'll never forgive him!!!
Literally: "...I + は!!! + that + guy/man + を + don't forgive!!!"

Maybe this is a useful image to have on hand if you have a love-hate relationship with your boyfriend and need to tell your friends all about it on Line.

許す(ゆるす) is such a versatile word in Japanese, because it can mean all of these: "to allow; to permit; to forgive; to let off; to give up."

Depending on the context, just saying the negative form of the verb, 許さない!(ゆるさない!), could mean "I won't forgive him!" Or it could mean "I won't let him get away with this."

Source: 稲田多摩子 - 銀の匙

わたし は おかね が だいすき です!!!
I love money!!!
Literally: "I + は + money + が + loving + です!!!"

Mission Impossible.

I just thought that this was a good one for katakana practice... something most of us need.

Source: 浅川夏帆 - 西森博之 『お茶にごす。』

I'm pissed off. Seriously pissed off.
Literally: "feel angry. + seriously + feel angry."
Note: This is all in katakana in order to strengthen/emphasize her words. What's even more confusing is that the verb ムカつく, "to be/get pissed/angry," is often written in half katakana and half hiragana. Also, it is rare to see the で in マジで, "seriously," written in katakana.

Source: 青島等 - 蔵石ユウ×西木田景志 『我妻さんは俺のヨメ』

Are you serious?!?!?!?! // No way!!!!!
Literally: "serious + is + かぁぁあ!!?"
Note: マジすか is short for マジですか. It's more common to see a small っ included, like this: マジっすか. You can say this with your friends, but I'd avoid using it in formal situations.

Source: ニコ・ロビン - ワンピース

I don't want to work!!!
Literally: "don't want to work."

I feel her pain.

Source: 愛徒勇気 - ヒロユキ『マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと』

What a relief.
Literally: "truly + was good."

Source: 碇シンジ - 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

まえば ぜんぶ おって やる
I'll knock all your front teeth in! // I'm gonna break all of your front teeth!
Literally: "front teeth + all + break + give."
Note: It is common to see te-form verbs followed by やる in threatening language. This やる is the same やる that is used for "to give" when you give something to a child, an animal, or someone beneath you. I suppose it's a bit like saying "to give someone a beating [an ass-kicking; etc.]" in English.

Source: 遊戯王

もういい! もうやめようこんな話…
もういい! もう やめよう こんな はなし…
That's enough already. Let's stop talking about this.
Literally: "already + good! + already + let's stop + this kind of + talk."
Note: You can memorize もういい as a set phrase for when you've had enough of something. By the way, you could switch the order of this second sentence if you wanted, saying こんな話もうやめよう. The meaning would not change.

なに それっ!?
What is that?! // What is that supposed to mean?!
Literally: "what + that!?"
Note: You can say this when you see something shocking. Or you can say it when you hear someone say something strange, shocking, and/or difficult to understand.

Source: 相沢さよ - 大武政夫『ヒナまつり』

なんだ コイツ?
What's with this guy? // What's this guy's problem?
Literally: "what + is + this guy?"
Note: I would not say this out loud if I were you. It's pretty rude. The character in that image is likely thinking it, not saying it.

Hope you enjoyed these. ^_^

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