
wheezing; breathing with difficulty; gasping for breath

First, a definition:

いきづかい が はげしい さま。 また、 くるしげ に こきゅう する おと を あらわす ご。
the state of having labored or intense breathing; also, a word expressing the sound of someone who appears to be having difficulty breathing
Literally: “breathing / respiration + が + intense / extreme + state / condition. + also, + painful seeming + に + breathing + do + sound + を + shows / expresses + language / word.”
Source: goo辞書


ぜーぜー is a good example of how the "z" sound in Japanese can refer to something that is gristly, rough, etc.

This might be obvious from the definitions listed above, but experiencing ぜーぜー breathing is not a good thing.


Let's look at our first and second examples side by side:

きのう から、 いき を する と のど が ゼエゼエ なります。
Since yesterday, my throat has been making a wheezing sound when I breathe.
Literally: “yesterday + from / since, + breath + を + do + と + throat + が + wheezing + makes (a sound).”

いき が ぜえぜえ して くるしい。
I’m having difficulty breathing.
Literally: “breath + が + wheezing + does (and) + painful / difficult.”


A few things to note:

💀 ぜーぜー is written in a variety of ways. In this lesson alone, we are writing it as ぜーぜー、ゼーゼー、ぜえぜえ、ゼエゼエ、and ぜぇぜぇ. And the dictionary we linked to above actually writes it as ぜいぜい, too... although I think you're better off sticking with the writings in our lesson.

💀 Certain words can precede ぜーぜー. For example, we saw のどがゼエゼエ (=throat + が + wheezing) and 息がぜえぜえ (=breath + が + wheezing).

💀 Various verbs can follow ぜーぜー, such as 鳴る (なる // to ring; to make [a sound]), する (to do; to make), and 言う (いう // to say), all of which we see being used in this lesson.


Two more examples, and we'll be finished...

あいけん が きゅうに ゼーゼー いい はじめた。
My dog suddenly started wheezing.
Literally: “beloved dog / pet dog + が + suddenly + wheezing + started to say.”

きのう、 ねながら ぜぇぜぇ いってた けど だいじょうぶ?
Last night, you sounded like you were having trouble breathing while you slept. Are you OK? // You were wheezing in your sleep yesterday. Are you all right?
Literally: “yesterday, + while sleeping + wheezing + were saying + but + OK?”


I hope you're not experiencing any ぜーぜー breathing of your own.

If you do, however, at least you'll be prepared to describe it in Japanese. ^_^
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