
rattling; clattering // dry; dried-up

The (very common) onomatopoeia からから can have quite a few meanings.

In this lesson, we're looking at the two most useful ones:

かたい もの が ふれあって たてる、 ひびき の よい、 かるい かんじ の おと を あらわす ご。
a word expressing the clear, light sound of hard things coming into contact with each other
Literally: “hard + thing + が + come into contact (and) + make (e.g. a sound [lit. “stand”), + reverberation / sound + の + good, + light + feeling + の + sound + を + express + word.”
Source: goo辞書

すいぶん が すっかり なくなっている さま。
the state or condition of having completely lost all moisture.
Literally: “water / moisture (of something) + が + completely + is going away / is disappearing + state / condition”
Source: goo辞書


Here are a couple examples of the first meaning of "rattling" or "clattering:"

アクセル を ふむ と カラカラ おと が する んです。
It makes a rattling sound when I step on the accelerator.
Literally: “accelerator / gas pedal + を + step on + と + rattling + sound + が + does + んです.”

かみコップ に ポップコーン の たね を いれて ふる と、 カラカラ なる。
If you put popcorn kernels into a paper cup and shake it, it makes a rattling sound.
Literally: “paper cup + に + popcorn + の + seed + を + insert (and) + shake + と, + rattling + rings / sounds.”


Next, here are a couple of examples in which からから means "dry," "dried-out," "parched," "bone-dry," etc.


のど カラカラ!
I'm so thirsty! // My throat is so dry!
Literally: “throat + dried-up!”


カラカラ に かわいた コンタクトレンズ が ある。
There’s a dried-up contact lens.
Literally: “dried-up + に + became dry + contact lens + が + there is.”


That's all for this one.

The usages of からから seen here are very common, so it might be a good idea to try them out in your own speech.
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