62 - You have ketchup on your face.
I don't have the best memory in the world...
...for some things.
My mom calls it, "You never listen!"
But it's hard to pay attention to what everyone's saying... and remember what they said.
2 things?!
Well, my memory and listening span goes down about 48% in Japanese.
My brain is so focused on understanding what's being said that no brainpower goes into storing what's being heard.
That's my scientific theory, at least.
I'll tell you why I brought this up later.
For now...
Fancy Lesson Topic

I will give you 3 different tricky situations.
Your task is to guess what Japanese phrase or phrases would be most appropriate.
Situation #1

You're at a coffee shop in Tokyo, being a dufus.
As such, you inadvertently spill hot coffee all over a beautiful businesswoman's clothes, papers, and hair.
In a feeble attempt to avoid being brutally murdered, you want to say something along the lines of...
"I'm so sorry. Are you all right?!"
How do you say this in Japanese?!?!?
❈ Begin Scrolling / Thinking Space ❈
❈ Answer ❈
You could say...
gomennasai! daijoubu desu ka?
I'm so sorry! Are you all right?
(Literally: "Sorry! + OK + is + か?")
(Note: Be careful to NOT use the more casual, shortened version ごめん [gomen] in this situation, because you won't sound very sorry at all... especially not to a stranger you don't know after doing something pretty bad like spilling coffee.)
Then, assuming this woman is actually quite awesome and friendly, she may respond by saying:
daijoubu desu yo, ki ni shinaide kudasai.
It's all right, please don't worry about it.
(Literally: "OK + is + よ, + don't worry + please.)
(Note: I should probably write a whole lesson on 気にしないで [ki ni shinaide] which can mean both "don't worry about it" and "never mind." Adding ください makes it more polite. Or you can even be really rude and say 気にすんなよ [ki ni sun na yo], which is an abbreviation of the negative command 気にするな [ki ni suru na]... plus よ.)
Anyways, that's what she'd say if she were nice.
Or she might kill you.
I don't know.
Moving on, then...
Situation #2

You're at a party with a bunch of friends.
Everyone went around introducing themselves at first.
Since it was all in Japanese, your brain dumped all of those names and words into Gibberish Land.
So now you're sitting next to someone, and you have no idea what their name is. (← Story of my life.)
You want so say something like...
"Could you tell me your name again?"
"What was your name again?"
In Japanese that's...?
❈ Begin Scrolling / Thinking Space ❈
❈ Answer ❈
You could say...
mou ikkai namae kiitemo ii?
Could you tell me your name again?
(Literally: "already + one time + name + even ask + good?")
(Note: Maybe in a classroom, they'd say もう一回名前を聞いてもいいですか... but we can drop off the particle を and the ですか, because we're at a party and don't need to be too formal.)
For all of you grammar lovers, here are different levels of formality for asking:
"Is it all right if I ask... (something)?"
❈ ↑ More Polite ↑❈
聞いてもよろしいですか (kiitemo yoroshii desu ka)
聞いてもいいですか (kiitemo ii desu ka)
聞いてもいい?(kiitemo ii)
聞いていい?(kiite ii)
❈ ↓ Less Polite ↓ ❈
As usual, the casual ones are shorter, and the formal ones are longer.
You also could say something like...
gomen, namae nan dakke?
Sorry, what was your name, again?
(Literally: "sorry, + name + what + is + っけ?")
(Note: Since it's a party with friends, this time it is OK to use only ごめん instead of ごめんなさい.)
World's Shortest Grammar Lesson:
Add っけ? to the plain form of anything to mean: "I'm trying to remember [SOMETHING]."
いつだっけ? // itsu dakke? // When was it, again?
行ったっけ? // ittakke? // Did I go there? I forget.
OK, maybe that's too short to be of much use. Some other time!
Situation #3
You're on a first date with an amazing-looking candidate for the currently vacant "Light of My Life" position.
Annnnnnd, they have ketchup smeared on their forehead.
You gotta tell them.
If they go to the bathroom and notice it there, they might hate you forever.
So how do we say...
"You have ketchup on your face."
Start thinking... Now!
❈ Begin Scrolling / Thinking Space ❈
❈ Answer ❈
You could say...
kao ni kechappu tsuiteru yo.
You have ketchup on your face.
(Literally: "face + に + ketchup + stuck to + よ.)
(Note: As you progress with Japanese, you'll find that つく, "to be stuck to" means a million things. And it's also what we say when ketchup is on someone's face. By the way, I had no idea how to write ケチャップ without Rei's help. I think I need to work on my Katakana English.)
End of quiz!
How'd you do?
People who failed get to learn more.
People who aced it learn almost nothing (losers)... but your Self-Esteem will be +5 for most of today.
Bonus Phrases
きにすんな よ。 なんとか なる って。
Don't worry about it. Everything'll work out.
そんなこと きにするな よ。
Don't worry about that kind of thing.
こじんてき な こと を きいて も よろしい ですか?
Could I ask you a personal question?
ひとつ きいて も いい です か?
Could I ask you a question?
へんな こと きいて も いい?
Mind if I ask you kind of a strange question?
ちょっと きいて いい?
Can I ask you something?