Random Restaurant Phrases
We have now looked at:
- How to get a (non-)smoking seat in a restaurant (this lesson)
- How to get recommendations from restaurant servers and warn them about allergies (this lesson)
- How to order various menu items (this lesson and this lesson)
There are a few more things you might want to say at a restaurant, though.
For example, maybe you got the person at your hotel to make a reservation for you at a fancy sushi restaurant.
Walking into the restaurant, you could say something like:
[TIME] に予約してある [NAME] です。
[TIME] に よやく してある [NAME] です。
I have a [TIME] reservation for [NAME].
Literally: “[TIME] + に + reservation + has been done + [NAME] + です.”
Note: More literally, this is saying, "I'm NAME, and I have a reservation for TIME."
...then you can just replace [TIME] with the time of your reservation and [NAME] with your last name.
For example, if your last name is Griffith (=グリフィス), and you have a reservation for seven o'clock (=7時 [しちじ]), you would say:
しちじ に よやく してある グリフィス です。
I have a 7 o’clock reservation for Griffith.
Literally: “seven o’clock + に + reservation + has been done + Griffith + です.”
Note: More literally, this is saying, "I'm Griffith, and I have a reservation for 7 o'clock.
As for making the actual reservation over the phone... yeah... that's a bit more complicated. Maybe we'll cover it in an "advanced travel language" course someday.
Ah, talking on the phone in another language is stressful for me. *_*
While at the restaurant, you may want to ask a someone...
すみません、 おてあらい どこ です か?
Excuse me, where is the restroom?
Literally: “excuse me, + restroom + where + です + か?”
↑ This is useful in lots of places. You could also use it at a train station, for instance.
There are a lot of words for "toilet," "bathroom," "restroom," etc., and the way in which you ask to use the bathroom can differ depending on the intended formality, whether you just want to wash your hands at a friend's house, and so on.
We have an entire lesson on this: [NDL #516] - Asking to Use the Restroom.
We looked at ordering already, but if you're in a touristy area, there's a very good chance that they have an English menu.
If you want to see it, you can ask:
えいご の メニュー は あります か?
Do you have an English menu?
Literally: “English + の + menu + は + there is + か?”
If your Japanese doesn't seem too good, they might bring you an English menu automatically. Or sometimes they just bring one right away if you don't look or sound Japanese.
When you're ready to pay, you can say:
おかいけい おねがいします。
Could I get the check, please?
Literally: “check / bill + please (do).”
Finally, you may want to turn to your Japanese friend(s) and say:
このあと どう する?
What should we do after this?
Literally: “after this + how + do?”
Then you can figure out the next awesome place you'll be headed. ^_^