46 - Do you do? Yeah, I do. Wow, he do.
Have you been crying all morning because Japanese grammar is oh-so-hurts-your-heart hard?
Well cheer up, baby.
Because in casual Japanese, we don't need no hoity–toity razzmatazz.
Allow me to elucidate, ください...
Imagine we have three people...
...or, uh, animals...
Specifically, we have:
Person A:

Person B:

Person C:
You may have picked this up already, just looking at those photos, but yeah:
★ ★ In casual Japanese, you can: ★ ★
1) Ask a question just by saying VERB? (<--Person A)
2) Answer that question by saying VERB. (<--Person B)
3) Report someone's answer (#2) by saying ANSWER って. (<--Person A)
4) Show that you are surprised and/or interested in that answer by saying ANSWER んだ. (<-- Person C)
Simple examples galore...
Is Raccoon going to the party?!
paatii iku?
You going to the party?
(Literally: "party + go?")
(Note: The nuance is that Panda is surprised and/or interested to learn that Raccoon is going to the party... like maybe he didn't expect Raccoon to go. By the way, the nuance is that Panda will not be going to the party. If he were going, we could have said 来るんだ [kuru nda], "So he is coming to the party.")
Wow, man.
Raccoon does like everything.
Jokes aside, though, I hope this helps you build up a bit more courage for diving into some casual Japanese conversations ^_^