211 - Say Something in Japanese
I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at Japanese.
I mean, I use it for work every day, and I can play games, watch shows, and read books in Japanese.
And yet, I get tripped up.
One particular situation in which I get brain freeze is speaking Japanese... to people who don't speak Japanese.
Once your aunt... or your second cousin... or your manager at work finds out you're studying Japanese, they might say:
"Say something in Japanese!"
I never know what to say to this.
To make life easier for all of us, though, I've prepared a few canned responses...
#1 - I don't know what to say.
This is the one that I usually go with... because this is what I always end up thinking:
なに いえば いい か わかんない。
I don't know what I should say. // I don't know what to say.
Literally: "what + if say + good + か + don't know."
This combination of ba-conditional and 分からない(わからない // I don't know/understand)is pretty useful:
なに いえば いい か わかんない。
I don't know what I should say. // I don't know what to say.
Literally: "what + if say + good + か + don't know."
For example, you could also say:
なに すれば いい か わかんない。
I don't know what to do. // I don't know what I should do.
Literally: "what + if do + good + か + don't know."
In casual language, you could also say 分からない (わからない). Saying わかんない is more casual.
In formal situations, わかんない becomes 分かりません (わかりません).
#2 - I'm speaking Japanese.
いま、にほんご を はなしてます。
Right now, I'm speaking Japanese.
Literally: "now, + Japanese + を + am speaking."
Rei thought of this one. I'm definitely gonna try it out.
#3 - Today's date is...
きょう は にせんじゅうろくねん しちがつ じゅうはちにち にちようび です。
Today is Sunday, July 18, 2016.
Literally: "today + は + 2016 year + 7 month + 18 day + Sunday + です.
Obviously, the date will depend on what date you are asked this question, so it could be tough off the top of your head... unless you rehearse the date in Japanese every morning, which would be impressive.
Also, big numbers are kind of a nightmare... so saying the year can make a lot of people slip up.
The trick, though, is to memorize years that start with 2000 and 1900, because you'll be saying them so often.
In other words, memorize the phrases 千九百(せん きゅう ひゃく // 1900)and 二千(に せん // 2000)because they come at the beginning of all 19XX and 20XX years.
Here is a list of random years, which the suffix ~年(~ねん // year)attached to the end.
せん きゅうひゃく ねん
せん きゅうひゃく じゅう ねん
せん きゅうひゃく じゅうさん ねん
せん きゅうひゃく にじゅうよ ねん
せん きゅうひゃく よんじゅう いち ねん
せん きゅうひゃく ろくじゅう なな ねん
せん きゅうひゃく はちじゅう に ねん
せん きゅうひゃく きゅうじゅう いち ねん
せん きゅうひゃく きゅうじゅう きゅう ねん
にせん ねん
にせん よ ねん
にせん じゅう ねん
にせん じゅうよ ねん
にせん じゅうろく ねん
にせん じゅうなな ねん
にせん じゅうはち ねん
にせん じゅうきゅう ねん
にせん にじゅう ねん
にせん にじゅういち ねん
Good luck dealing with all those people quizzing your Japanese... even when they don't speak it themselves...