214 - Learning Japanese with Disney
Last week I watched Aladdin, and then decided to sing a couple songs from the movie when I went to karaoke.
I am always amazed by the language Disney uses in their movies. In the song “Prince Ali” they use words like: genuflect, coterie, menagerie, physique, and grovel. But even though these are some seriously difficult words for children, it is still a really easy song to understand.
That is why Disney is a great tool for learning any new language. Even though you will be introduced to some unknown vocabulary, it won’t stop your enjoyment or understanding in the least.
Try looking up some of your favorite songs, or even watch your favorite Disney movies in Japanese. I think you will be surprised at how much you can understand.
And to help you out, here are a few posters for recent Disney movies. You will need to know the Japanese titles to find them, as sometimes they can be drastically different from the American titles.
Even the movie titles and taglines can have some great vocabulary and grammar.
やさしさ で せかい を すくえる か?
Can you save the world with kindness?
Literally: “kindness + で + world + を + can save + か”
「あなたのカラダを守ります」彼の名はベイマックス 兄の形見のケア・ロボット
「あなた の からだ を まもります」かれ の な は べいまっくす あに の かたみ の けあ・ろぼっと
“I will protect you.” A memento from his brother. A care robot named Baymax.
Literally: “you + の + body + を + protect + he + の + name + は + Baymax + older brother + の + memento + の + care robot”
I just recently watched this movie and thought it was adorable by the way. My favorite quote from Baymax is when he pets the cat and says:
"Hairy baby"
めりだ と おそろし の もり
Merida and the Dreadful Forest
Literally: “Merida + と + dreadful + の + forest”
”森の魔法” を、使ってはならない。
もり の まほう を、つかって はならない。
The use of “forest magic” is forbidden.
Literally: “forest + の + magic + を + use + must not”
Note: Verb てはならない is a grammar point meaning “must not do.”
わたし は、にげないー。
I won’t run away.
Literally: “I + は + won’t run away / escape.”
Note: A lot of Japanese people, when speaking English, will mix up the words "run away" and "escape," because both are the same word in Japanese: 逃げる (にげる).
森と人間の間に存在する いにしえの《掟》が破られた時、王女メリダは立ち上がる。
もり と にんげん の あいだに そんざいする いにしえ の 《おきて》が やぶられた とき、おうじょ めりだ は たちあがる。
When an ancient “law” that exists between forest and man is broken, Princess Merida will take action.
Literally: “forest + and + man + の + between + exist + ancient + の + law + が + broken + when + princess + Merida + は + take action”
Note: 立ち上がる can also mean “to stand up” which can also apply here.
おうこく を すくい、みずから の うんめい に たちむかう ために…
In order to save the kingdom, she must fight against her own fate…
Literally: “kingdom + を + save + self + の + fate + に + to fight against + in order to”
もあな と でんせつ の うみ
Moana and the legendary sea
Literally: “Moana + and + legend + の + sea”
海に選ばれた少女―― 彼女の名は、モアナ。
うみ に えらばれた しょうじょーーかのじょ の な は、もあな。
A girl chosen by the sea, her name is Moana.
Literally: “sea + に + chosen + girl + her + の + name + は + Moana”
Finding Dory
どりー の ひみつ は 《にんげん の せかい》 に かくされていた
Dory’s secret is hidden in the “human word”
Literally: “Dory + の + secret + は + human + の + world + に + was hidden”
忘れんぼうのドリーが、 ただひとつ忘れなかった《家族の思い出》。
わすれんぼう の どりー が、ただ ひとつ わすれなかった 《かぞく の おもいで》。
Although Dory is forgetful, there is one thing she hasn't forgotten: memories of her family.
Literally: “forgetful (person) + Dory + が + however + one + didn't forget + family + の + memories”
その謎を求めて、 ニモとドリーの奇跡の冒険が始まる。
その なぞ を もとめて、にも と どりー の きせき の ぼうけん が はじまる。
To figure out the mystery, Nemo and Dori begin a miraculous adventure.
Literally: “that + mystery + を + search + Nemo + と + Dory + の + miracle + の + adventure + が + begin”
ぷりんせす と まほう の きす
The Princess and The Magic Kiss
Literally: “princess + and + magic + の + kiss”
でぃずにー から 「びじょ と やじゅう」「あらじん」を こえる ごくじょう の らぶ・すとーりー を おくります。
From Disney, a love story that exceeds “Beauty and the Beast” and “Aladdin.”
Literally: “Disney + from + Beauty + and + Beast + Aladdin + を + exceeds + best + の + love story + を + sent”
その きす を してはならぬ…。
You must not kiss…
Literally: “that + kiss + を + must not”
Note: してはならぬ is the stiffer form of してはならない meaning “must not do”
とう の うえ の らぷんつぇる
Rapunzel From the Top of the Tower
Literally: “tower + の + top + の + Rapunzel”
たしかめたい わたし の しらない せかい。わたし の しらない わたし…
I want to know more about this unknown world. My unknown “me.”
Literally: “want to confirm + I + の + unknown + world + I + の + unknown + I”
あーろ と しょうねん
Arlo and The Boy
はじめて、だれか を まもりたかったー。
For the first time, I wanted to protect someone.
Literally: "the first time + someone + を + wanted to protect"
大きいけれど弱虫な恐竜アーロと、小さいけれど勇敢な少年スポット。 でも、見ている世界は一緒だった。
おおきい けれど よわむしな きょうりゅう あーろ と、ちいさい けれど ゆうかんな しょうねん すぽっと。でも、みている せかい は いっしょ だった。
Although Arlo the dinosaur is big, he is a coward. Although Spot the boy is small, he is brave. Yet they will see the world together.
Literally: “big + although + coward + dinosaur + Arlo + と + small + although + brave + boy + Spot + yet + seeing + world + は + together + だった”
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: