236 - 'Stranger Things' was Scary!
すごく こわかった!!
That was really scary!!
Literally: “extremely + was scary!!”
That is what I said to my husband when we finished watching 'Stranger Things' this weekend. If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend watching it during the day, preferably with someone if you can help it.
During the summer in Japan, it is common to tell scary stories. It is said that the “cold shiver” you get down your spine from a really gruesome tale will keep you cool during the hot summer months. This is why horror stories, movies, and TV shows are usually released during the hottest parts of the year.
This summer is particularly brutal here in Kyoto, so we have taken the opportunity to consume some good old fashioned horror. We saw the movieCreepy in theaters a few weeks ago, have been playing scary card games, and then binge-watched 'Stranger Things' this weekend. I am not sure that the cold shiver is worth it. Now I am tossing and turning at night because I am hot andbecause I am afraid of having dreams about monsters…
3 common words in Japanese related to “scary,” are 怖い(こわい)、恐れる(おそれる)、and おびえる.
怖い(こわい) - Usually used to account a first hand experience. It is not as strong as the others, but is the most common. It is used as a declarative statement most of the time.
この ばんぐみ は こわい。
This show is scary.
Literally: “this + show + は + scary“
わたし は ゆうれい が こわい です。
I am scared of ghosts.
Literally: “I + は + ghosts + が + scary + です “
こわい ゆめ を みた。
I had a scary dream.
Literally: “scary + dream + を + saw”
恐れる(おそれる)- A term used most often as something you don’t encounter first hand. It is a bit stronger and a bit more formal, like the word “afraid” in English. When you are speaking about something abstract you would also use this verb. It is often used in the negative form as well.
どうぶつ は ひ を おそれる。
Animals are afraid of fire.
Literally: “animals + は + fire + を + be afraid”
おそれる こと は なにもない。
There is nothing to fear.
Literally: “be afraid of + thing + は + there is nothing”
みす する こと を おそれる な。
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Literally: “miss + do + thing + を + be afraid + don’t”
おびえる - The strongest of these words. It is often used like the word “frightened” in English. It is also the least common of the three.
かれ は いつも なにか に おびえてる ようだ。
He always seems like he's afraid of something.
Literally: “he + は + always + something + に + is being frightened + seems like.”
Note: Like Professor Quirrell in the first Harry Potter.
こどもたち が かみなり に おびえている。
The children are afraid of the thunder.
Literally: “children + は + thunder + に + are being frightened.
Note: In Japanese, 雷 can mean either "thunder" or "lightning," depending on the context.
Some of these words can be used interchangeably, just like in English. Keep an eye out for 'scary' words while you continue your studies, and practice using them to keep your cool during the rest of the summer.
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: