235 - Making Reservations
Speaking Japanese on the phone is scary. I didn’t realize how much I relied on body language until the first time I tried speaking on the phone.
But there is one telephone interaction that is relatively easy, and that is making a reservation. In Japanese, just like in English, people tend to follow the same set of questions when making a reservation by phone. This means even a beginner can get some really good practice and build confidence when speaking on the phone in Japanese.
Let’s start from the beginning. You call the business you would like to make a reservation at, and the phone starts ringing. The first thing you will hear is something along the lines of:
もしもし、Business Name です。
Hello, this is Business Name.
Sometimes they will replace the もしもし with はい and sometimes they will just simply state the business name.
Now is your time to shine! Here are a few different ways to ask for a reservation:
すみません、よやく を おねがい したいん です が。
Excuse me, I would like to make a reservation.
Literally: “excuse me + reservation + を + request + want to do + んです + が”
Note: The が at the end of this sentence is a particle meant to be open ended. It tells the speaker that you would like something from them, without asking for it directly.
すみません、 きょう の ごご よやく できますか?
Excuse me, can I make a reservation for this afternoon?
Literally: “excuse me + today + の + afternoon + reservation + can + か “
あのー、こんや はちじ に よやく を したいん です が。
Um, I want to make a reservation for 8pm tonight.
Literally: “um + this evening + 8 o’clock + に + reservation + を + want to do + んです + が”
Then the person on the phone will begin by asking you a few questions. If you didn’t specify the time of the reservation, they might say:
はい、いつ の ごよやく でしょう か?
Yes, when would the reservation be for?
Literally: “yes + when + の + reservation + でしょう + か”
はい、いつ が よろしい でしょう か?
Yes, when would be good?
Literally: “yes + when + が + good + でしょう + か”
Then you can answer the time you would like to make the reservation for.
しちじ に おねがいします。
At 7 o’clock please.
Literally: “7 o’clock + at + please”
あした の よる です。
Tomorrow night.
Literally: “tomorrow + の + night + です”
あさって の はちがつ じゅうさんにち の よる は あいていますか?
Are there any openings the day after tomorrow, the night of August 13th?
Literally: “day after tomorrow + の + August + 13th + の + night + is open + か?”
Unfortunately, there are times when you won't be able to make a reservation. In that case, they might say something like this:
もうしわけ ございません、 その ひ は もう よやく で いっぱい に なって おります。
Unfortunately, on that day our reservations have already become full.
Literally: “deepest apologies, + that + day + は + reservation + で + full + に + become + おります”
If you can make a reservation, they might ask you how many people will be in your party.
はい、なんめいさま です か?
Yes, how many people?
Literally: “yes + how many people + か”
You can answer with the counter for people にん, and be sure to leave out the さま, as you are talking about yourself and those close to you. So you would answer 6人です(ろくにんです).
When you are done making the reservation you can say one of these:
はい、よろしく おねがいいたします。
This literally means “please take care of me” but it used as a conversation ending that implies that you are grateful for the previous interaction.
Thank you.
Because this exchange uses set phrases, try to make a reservation as your first practice speaking Japanese on the phone!
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: