212 - That's What She Said! (Part 2)
Hello and welcome to our casual after party!
Here we will learn how to quote what other people said in several ways.
Today's special guests are:
1. ’と’ used in formal, stiff, and written Japanese;
2. ’って', used in casual Japanese
Now last time I told you about how ’と’ can be used in formal quotes, but as you will see, you can use it in somewhat casual quotes as well, and that is because it is the standard particle used for that, so it fits in anywhere:
いもうと が 「かえりたい」 と いっている。
My younger sister says she wants to go home.
Literally: 'younger sister + が + "want to go home" + と + is saying."
ほん の ひょうし に 「ベストセラー」 と かいてある。
"Bestseller" is written on the cover of the book.
Literally: "book + の + (front) cover + に + 'bestseller' + と + is written."
I used brackets to mark the quote, but you can leave them out:
おいしゃさん に ゆっくり やすみなさい と いわれた。
My doctor told me to get lots of rest.
Literally: "o-doctor-san + に + slowly / restful + rest (<--command form) + と + was said."
It's at this point that our particle ’と' decides to show off its hidden talent. It can actually quote more than just words, it can 'quote' actions!
This has much to do with the huge number of onomatopoeia found in the Japanese language. Many actions or types of behaviors have their 'sound'.
Just to name a few here:
ごくごく, for gulping drinks down eagerly
ちびちび, for slowly taking small sips
にこにこ, for smiling
くすくす, for quiet, hidden laughter
...so of course you can use these onomatopoeia to 'quote' or describe the manner in which someone did something.
Let me show you:
びーる を ごくごく と のむ。
To gulp down a beer.
Literally: 'beer + を + 'gulp-gulp + と + drink'
One more example before we proceed to our next guest:
こどもたち が くすくす と わらっている。
The children are giggling. ← imagine the character chuckling with her mouth covered
Literally: 'children + が + giggle(ishly) + と + are laughing'
This one is more informal than 'と' and can be used in casual conversations.
おかあさん が 「はやく いこう」 って いってる よ。
Mom says "Hurry up."
Literally: "mother + が + 'soon + let's go' + って + is saying + よ."
「ちゅうしゃきんし」 って かいてある よ。
It says "No Parking."
Literally: " 'no parking' + って + is written + よ."
どうしよう、 かれし に わかれよう って いわれた…。
What do I do? My boyfriend said we should break up.
Literally: "what do/should I do? (=how + let's do), + boyfriend + に + let's break up + って + was told/said."
I hope you learned something useful today!
Have fun and see you next time!
This lesson was written by Adriana, a guest contributor.