272 - I was wearing my pants on my head when...
If you open any beginner language textbook, one of the chapters is sure to be about getting dressed. The names for pieces of clothing, how to say “to wear,” these are important phrases to learn for beginners. But of course, Japanese won’t make it so easy.
In Japanese, there are at least 5 different verbs that can be used to mean “to wear,” and if you mix them up, you are liable to say something like “I wore my pants on my head.” It might sound like a mix up that could never happen, but believe me, I know from personal experience.
Here are 5 verbs that can all mean “to wear” and how you use them:
1.) かぶる - This is used to mean something worn on your head, like a hat.
かれ は ぼうし を かぶる こと を きらいます。
He hates wearing a hat.
Literally: “he + は + hat + を + wear + こと + を + hates”
わたし は すっぴん だった ので ぼうし を ふかめ に かぶりました。
I had no makeup on, so I wore my hat low.
Literally: "I + は + no makeup + だった + since + hat + を + low + に + wore”
2.) 着る(きる) - This verb is used to mean something worn on your torso, or whole body covering clothing; like shirts, jackets, dresses, etc.
わたし は その きもの を きる よてい です。
I plan to wear that kimono.
Literally: “I + は + that + kimono + を + wear + plan + です”
さむい から こーと を きる べき だ。
Because it's cold, you should wear a coat.
Literally: “cold + because * coat + を + wear + should + だ”
3.) 履く(はく) - This verb is used to mean something worn on the lower half of your body or feet; like pants, trousers, socks, shoes, etc.
わたし は この じーんず を いちど も はいた ことがない。
I haven’t even worn these jeans once.
Literally: “I + は + these + jeans + を + one time + も + wore + never have”
わたし は さんだる を はいている。
I am wearing sandals.
Literally: “ I + は +sandals + を + wearing”
4.) かける - This verb means “to hook” or “ to hang,” it is used for glasses and sunglasses as well, because you are hooking them around your ears.
かれ は めがね を かける と せんせい みたい に みえる。
When he wears glasses he looks like a teacher.
Literally: “he + は + glasses + を + wear + と + teacher + like + に + seems”
かれ は さぎょうちゅう は めがね を かける ひつよう が あります。
He needs to wear glasses when he works.
Literally: “he + は + doing work + は + glasses + を + wear + need + が + あります”
5.) する - The verb する means “to do” but it is also used to mean “wearing accessories” such as a necktie, ring, bracelet, watch, belt, etc.
しごとちゅう は ねくたい を している。
I wear a tie at work.
Literally: “while working + は + necktie + を + am wearing.”
かのじょ は ゆびわ を ひだりて の なかゆび に している。
She is wearing a ring on her left middle finger.
Literally: “she + は + ring + を + left hand + の + middle finger + に + wearing”
Take a few minutes to look at what you are wearing right now, make some example sentences, and get creative! Do you always wear that necklace? What color is the top you are wearing? Is something you are wearing very old or new?
Making a few simple sentences will help keep all these words straight in your head next time you want to talk about what you are someone else is wearing.
Also, for more review on this topic, check out this lesson by Adriana: [NDL #172] - Let's put some clothes on, shall we?
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: