293 - It's Raining, It's Pouring

あめ ふってる!
It’s raining!

It's been raining here on and off for weeks. I think we have had maybe 3 sunny days in the past two weeks or so. I love the rain, but my dog wants to go for a walk without getting wet and I need to hang my laundry up to dry!

Nevertheless, there is something really special about rainy days, especially when the weather is changing, this weather that makes me want to put on a yellow raincoat and jump in puddles in the park.

Here are some rainy day words in Japanese for you to study on this rainy day. There is no excuse if it's raining; it's not like you are going on a picnic or anything, so get to studying!

Raindrop - The word 一滴(いってき)is used as a counter for one drop of fluid. When you add の雨(あめ)it becomes “raindrop.”

わたし は あたま に いってき の あめ を かんじた。
I felt a raindrop on my head.
Literally: “I + は + head + に + one drop + の + rain + を + felt”

Storm - (あらし)(also the name of a very famous band in Japan. Check them out!)

あらし が きている。
A storm is coming.
Literally: “storm + が + coming”

Puddle - 水たまり(みずたまり)

あの しょうじょ は みずたまり で あそんでいます。
That little girl is playing in a puddle.
Literally: “that + little girl + は + puddle + で + playing”

Umbrella - 傘(かさ)

かさ を もって いきなさい。
Take your umbrella.
Literally: “umbrella + を + hold + go”
Note: なさい is added onto the ます stem of a verb in order to indicate a light command. This is something your mother would say to you before you leave.

Raincoat - An older word for raincoat is 雨合羽(あまがっぱ)but nowadays, you will hear レインコート much more often.

あめ が はげしい から、 レインコート を きて いきなさい。
It's pouring outside, so put on your raincoat!
Literally: “rain + が + intense + because + raincoat + を + wear (and) + go.”
Note: 行きなさい is a command.

Wet - 濡れる(ぬれる)

あめ が ふりだして かのじょ は ぬれて しまった。
It started to rain and she got wet.
Literally: “rain + が + come down + she + は + wet + regrettably”

Chilly - 寒い(さむい)is used to mean “cold.” It has a bit of a negative connotation as compared to 涼しい(すずしい)which means “cool” or “refreshing.”

さいきん は すこし さむく なってきた。
It has gotten a little chilly lately.
Literally: "lately + は + little + cold + became”

Cancel - 中止(ちゅうし)

あめ の ために かれら は しあい を ちゅうし しなければ ならなかった。
Because of the rain they had to cancel the game.
Literally: “rain + の + ために + they + は + game + を + cancel + must do”
Note: なければなりません、or the more colloquial なければならない means something that one must do.

Cuddle - 抱き合う(だきあう) can also mean “to embrace.”

さむい ので、ふうふ は そふぁ で だきあった。
Since it was cold, the (married) couple cuddled on the sofa.
Literally: “cold + ので + couple + は + sofa + で + cuddled”

Rainbow - 虹(にじ)

あめ が やみ、そら を みたら にじ が でていました。
The rain stopped, and in the sky there was a rainbow.
Literally: “rain + が + stop + sky + を + when one looks + rainbow + が + came out”

I am really hoping for sunny skies and rainbows soon!

This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor:

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