292 - The Mysterious Biscuit Pocket!

Sometimes Rei goes around singing Japanese children's songs.

Which get stuck in my head.

I'm cool with that. What I'm not a fan of is having a song stuck in my head when I don't know the words to it.

So, without further ado, I give you:

ふしぎな ポケット
The Magic Pocket
Literally: "mysterious + pocket."

I found some YouTube videos with the song. Rei's rendition is better, but unfortunately we're just a bit too shy for that.

(Video #1 Link)

↑ This is the version that we'll look at below. Because it's nice and short. ^^

But if you want to practice your counters in Japanese, you should check out the one below, too. She counts all the way to ten:

(Video #2 Link)

This one also goes all the way to ten:

(Video #3 Link)


ポケットの なかには
ビスケットが ひとつ
ポケットを たたくと
ビスケットは ふたつ

もひとつ たたくと
ビスケットは みっつ
たたいて みるたび
ビスケットは ふえる

そんな ふしぎな
ポケットが ほしい
そんな ふしぎな
ポケットが ほしい

Lyrics with Kanji and Translation

Note: To the horror of all British readers, I will be translating ビスケット as cookie. I wish the word "biscuit" conjured images of tea and biscuits for me. But, alas, it does not. Biscuits and gravy, maybe.

Sudden Tangent!

They use both words in Japanese: ビスケット and クッキー.

But a ビスケット might be a cookie like this:

And a cookie is a cookie like this:


Yeah, I don't know the difference. Rei says that the word クッキー is more common. But I see ビスケット written on boxes of, uh, cookies in Japan all the time. Like these ones:

Oh wait. That says "biscuit" in English.

Speaking of which, I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I love these cookies/biscuits/whatever, which I'm pretty sure are for little kids:

Technically, those appear to be クリームサンドビスケット, or "cream sandwich biscuits."

Also, I love that slogan:

おいしくて つよく なる。
Delicious and good for you.
Literally: "delicious (and) + strong + become."

I think you'll get sued if you put that on a box of cream-filled cookies in America. I guess we probably have cookies "packed with calcium," though. I wish cookies really did make me strong...

End Tangent!

Let's get back to the lyrics, yo.

ポケット の なか には ビスケットが ひとつ
I have one cookie in my pocket.
Literally: "pocket + の + inside + には + biscuit + が + one."

ポケット を たたく と ビスケット は ふたつ
When I hit my pocket, I have two cookies.
Literally: "pocket + を + hit + と + biscuit + は + two."

もひとつ たたく と ビスケット は みっつ
Hit it one more time, and I have three cookies.
Literally: "one more + hit + と + biscuit + は + three."

たたいて みる たび ビスケット は ふえる
Every time I hit my pocket, I have more cookies.
Literally: "hit (and) + see + each time + biscuit + は + increase."

そんな ふしぎな ポケット が ほしい
I wish I had a magic pocket like that.
Literally: "that kind of + mysterious + pocket + が + wanted."

そんな ふしぎな ポケット が ほしい
I wish I had a magic pocket like that.
Literally: "that kind of + mysterious + pocket + が + wanted."

Kind of a sad song. Sure, life is magical. But it's not cookie-creating-pocket-level of magical. T_T

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