669 - を限りに(をかぎりに)

JLPT N1: を限りに (をかぎりに // [this is] the last [time/day/etc. that...])

限り (かぎり) has quite a few uses in Japanese. We've already seen a couple of them:
- [NDL #535] - JLPT N2: ないかぎり
- [NDL #543] - JLPT N1: かぎりだ

When we say を限りに after a NOUN, the meaning is "(this is) the last NOUN (that blah blah blah...)."

That NOUN will be something that signifies a point in time or an event of some kind.

An example:

けんこう の ため、 きょう をかぎりに おさけ も タバコ も やめます。
In the interest of my health, today is the last day I will drink or smoke.
Literally: “health + の + for the sake of, + today + をかぎりに + alcohol + も + cigarettes / tobacco + も + quit.”

today を限りに
today is the last day

Here's another example:

かわしまさん は こんげつまつ をかぎりに たいしょく する そうだ。
I heard that Kawashima-san is going to resign after this month. // I heard that this will be Kawashima-san’s last month with the company.
Literally: “Kawashima-san + は + end of this month + をかぎりに + resignation + do + そうだ (=[hearsay marker]).”

Seem pretty straightforward?

I hope so, because I don't have much else to say about it.

Oh, I suppose I could add that you won't hear を限りに all that often in everyday Japanese. It's pretty stiff-sounding. Maybe you'll hear it in a business meeting, for example, but not during most of your day-to-day activities in Japan.

Here are two more examples:

つぎ の しあい をかぎりに ゴルフかい を いんたい する ことにしました。
After this next game, I’ve decided to retire from the world of golf.
Literally: “next + の + match / game + をかぎりに + golf-world + を + retire + decided to do (=do + thing + に + did).”

こうこう そつぎょう の ひ をかぎりに、 おやもと を はなれて じりつ する つもり だ。
After the day I graduate high school, I’m planning to leave my parents’ house and become independent.
Literally: “high school + graduation + の + day + をかぎりに, + parents’ home + を + part from / leave (and) + independence / self-reliance + do + intention / plan + だ.”

Finished. A nice, short lesson, yeah?

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