725 - いかんで
JLPT N1: いかんで (depending on; depends on; based on)
Remember our lesson on 次第で (しだいで)??
(This one: [NDL #626] - JLPT N2: 次第で [しだいで].)
An example:
どりょく しだいで、 あなた の かのうせい は むげん に ひろがります。
Depending on the effort you put in, your potential is limitless.
Literally: “(great) effort + depending on + で, + you + の + possibility + は + infinite + に + expands / widens.”
いかんで means pretty much the same thing as 次第で (しだいで).
One big difference: You have to put on your fancy pants before you use いかんで.
...because it's stiff, formal-sounding, and is typically only used in written Japanese.
Imagine you want to write: The decision as to whether hospitalization is necessary is dependent upon the results of a thorough examination.
Only, you want to say it fancier:
せいみつけんさ の けっか いかんで、 にゅういん が ひつよう か どうか きまる。
The decision as to whether hospitalization is necessary is dependent upon the results of a thorough examination.
Literally: “thorough (health) checkup / detailed (physical) examination + の + result + いかんで, + hospitalization + が + necessary + whether or not (=かどうか) + is decided.”
👷 Construction 👷
Just put a NOUN right in front of いかんで. If you'd like, throw in a の, as well:
NOUN +(の)+ いかんで
depending on NOUN; depends on NOUN; based on NOUN
You want to say: The flavor of food varies greatly depending on the quality of ingredients that are used.
Only, fancier:
つかう しょくざい の ひんしつ いかんで りょうり の あじ は おおきく かわる。
The flavor of food varies greatly depending on the quality of ingredients that are used [that you use].
Literally: “use + (food) ingredient + の + quality + いかんで + cooking + の + flavor + は + greatly + changes.”
Fancy people like you love variety, so sometimes you change it up, saying いかんによって instead of いかんで.
So when you want to say: Shortened work schedules may be permitted under some circumstances.
...you maybe very well just say:
りゆう の いかんによって、 たんじかん きんむ を みとめます。
Shortened work schedules may be permitted under some circumstances.
Literally: “reason + の + いかんによって, + short period of time + work + を + permit / accept.”
いかんで can also be used at the end of a sentence.
When that happens, it changes to いかんです (or いかんだ, いかんである, etc.):
この プロジェクト が せいこう する か どうか は みなさん の きょうりょく いかん です。
The success of this project depends on the cooperation of everyone.
Literally: “this + project + が + success + does + whether or not (=かどうか) + は + everyone + の + cooperation / collaboration + いかん + です.”