306 - An Escape Game
Have you heard of these escape games that have become popular apps on smartphones? Essentially they are simple video games where you are trapped in a room and have to escape by exploring and using puzzles. If you would like to look some up in Japanese try searching for 脱出ゲーム(だっしゅつげーむ).
Well, Japan has taken these games to the next level. This weekend I went to an event called a “real escape game.” The theme was a mafia auction in which we had to buy a secret item for our boss or else we would be killed. It wasn't the traditional escape game style, but it was so much fun, I thought I would share a bit of the vocabulary I learned while doing it.
During the auction we had to figure out puzzles using the entire room of clues to find the name of the secret item, get money by selling a fake painting, and finally bid on the item.
Our team lost spectacularly, but I can't wait to do it again now that I have gotten a taste for the game.
Of course, the entire thing was in Japanese, so it was also great practice. Not only did we have a lot of listening and reading to do, but we also had to figure out puzzles and riddles, all in Japanese.
Here is the advertisement for the game, it's filled with a bunch of vocabulary and grammar that can be super useful to you. It sure would have helped me if I read anything about the event before showing up!
りある だっしゅつ げーむ 「ある おーくしょん かいじょう から の だっしゅつ」
Real Escape Game “Escape from a Certain Auction Hall”
Literally: “real + escape + game + a certain + auction + hall + から + の + escape”
まふぃあ の せかい で なぞ を とけ!
Unlock the mysteries of the Mafia world!
Literally: “mafia + の + world + で + mystery + を + solve”
Note: This sentence is using the imperative form of the verb so 解く(とく)becomes 解け(とけ)and is used to tell you do to something.
でんせつ の ひほう を せりおとせ!
Bid on the legendary treasure!
Literally: “ legend + の + treasure + を + bid on (and get).”
きょだい とし よくしーん してぃ。
A giant city called Yokushin City.
Literally: “giant + city + yokushin + city”
この まち では ねん に いちど だけ ちょう だいきぼ な おーくしょん が おこなわれる。
A gigantic-scale auction is held in this town once a year.
Literally: “this + town + では + year + に + one time + only + super-big scale + auction + が + occurs”
よくしーん の おーくしょん で かえない もの は なにも ない と うたわれている。
It is said that there is nothing that is not for sale at Yokushin’s Auction.
Literally: “Yokushin + の + auction + で + can’t buy + thing + は + nothing + と + to be declared”
しかも ことし は とくべつ だ。
Yet, this year is special.
Literally: “yet + this year + は + special + だ”
ことし の おーくしょん には でんせつ の ひほう が しゅっぴん される という。
This year it's said that a legendary treasure will be displayed.
Literally: “this year + の + auction + には + legendary + の + treasure + が + be displayed + という (=it's said that / I heard).”
せかいじゅう の まふぃあ が らくさつ を ねらっている が、その ひほう は なまえ も かたち も わからない。
Although mafia from around the world are bidding, the treasure’s name and shape are unknown.
Literally: “throughout the world + の + mafia + が + bid + を + aiming to + が + this + treasure + は + name + も + shape + も + unknown”
どの しゅっぴんぶつ が でんせつ の ひほう な の か?
Which displayed piece is the legendary treasure?
Literally: “which + displayed piece + が + legendary + の + treasure + な + の + か”
そして、その ひほう を かくじつ に せりおとす ため の きんがく は?
And, what about the money to bid on that treasure?
Literally: “and + that + treasure + を + certainly + に + bid on + ため + の + amount of money + は”
さまざま な おもわく が みだれとぶ、はらんばんじょうな まふぃあ の せかい を、あなた は いきぬく こと が できる だろう か?
Amidst a wild sea of competitors, can you survive the many hardships of the mafia world?
Literally: “various + expectation + が + to fly wildly about + full of drama + mafia + の + world + を + you + は + survive + こと + が + can do + だろう + か”
Note: See how the literal translation is vastly different? Sorry about that. It's partly because the 思惑 (expectations/wishes [i.e. plans]) "flying about" in the sentence are those of your mafia competitors.
This is my team for the game! We are holding a sign that says 脱出失敗(だっしゅつしっぱい)or "Failed Escape."
If you live in Japan and are interested in doing these games, search for リアル脱出ゲーム for your town! If you need more practice try downloading some games onto your smart phone.
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: