404 - Rude Japanese
A great video came up on my news-feed the other day called “Rude Japanese,” by Dogen.
While it was incredibly entertaining, it also made me want to teach you guys some rude Japanese words.
Firstly, the word for "rude" in Japanese is 失礼 (しつれい). You might recognize it from the common phrase 失礼します, which can be said when entering a room, as well as many other interactions.
Now I don’t recommend using any of the following words, but if you are watching any type of Japanese media, they are bound to come up. So you should understand them, right?
デブ - Fat Person
かのじょ は すこし デブ だ。
She's kind of fat.
Literally: “she + は + little + fat + だ”
ブス - Ugly Person
タケル は イケメン なのに、 すごい ブス と つきあっている。
Takeru is so good-looking, but his girlfriend is so ugly.
Literally: “Takeru + は + handsome man + although (=なのに) + amazing + ugly person + と + is going out with.”
Note: ブス is use primarily for women, if you want to say “ugly man” use ブサイク.
黙れ(だまれ) - Stop Talking
This is the command form of the verb 黙る (だまる), "to be quiet."
Shut your mouth!
Literally: "be silent!"
かれ は 「だまれ!」 と さけんだ。
He yelled “shut up!”
Literally: “he + は + be silent + と + yelled”
無能(むのう) - Useless; Stupid
じょうし が むのう で たいへん だ よ。
My boss is useless, which makes my job really tough.
Literally: “boss + が + useless / stupid + で + tough / difficult + だよ.”
Note that the kanji for 無能 is "not; nothing" (無) and "ability" (能).
礼儀知らず(れいぎしらず) - Ill-mannered
トム は れいぎしらず だ。
Tom has no manners.
Literally: “Tom + は + ill-mannered + だ”
幼稚(ようち) - Childish
かれら は かんがえかた が ようち だ。
Those guys have a childish way of thinking.
Literally: “they + は + way of thinking + が + childish + です”
わがまま - Selfish
かれ は いつも わがまま です。
He is always selfish.
Literally: “he + は + always + selfish + です”
Again, I don’t recommend using any of these words! But they are fun to know, and they are sure to turn up while you are busy learning Japanese.
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: