411 - Playing an Instrument
Many members of my family play string instruments. Although I was not gifted with this ability (or maybe I am just a bit more lazy), I love listening to them play.
I am sure many of you have a hobby of playing an instrument. And of course, you might want to talk about it in Japanese.
Firstly, the word for “musical instrument” in Japanese is 楽器 (がっき), made up of the kanji for “fun” and “container.” If you want to talk about individual instruments, most of them are katakana words and sound almost the same as in English:
ギター Guitar
バイオリン Violin
ピアノ Piano
トランペット Trumpet
クラリネット Clarinet
フルート Flute
チューバ Tuba
ハープ Harp
トロンボーン Trombone
ビオラ Viola
チェロ Cello
オーボエ Oboe
太鼓 (たいこ) (traditional) drums
ドラム Drums
When you are talking about playing an instrument, it gets a bit more complicated.
There are several verbs used to mean “play,” and they depend on which type of instrument you are talking about playing.
Firstly, the verb 演奏する (えんそうする) can be used for any instrument. However, it has a connotation of a musical performance.
かれ は ワンダーウォール を ギター で えんそうした。
He played “Wonderwall” on the guitar.
Literally: "he + は + Wonderwall + を + guitar + で + played."
But more specifically, there are three verbs to use when talking about playing instruments.
弾く (ひく) is a verb that can mean “to snap” or “to pluck.” This is used when you talk about playing string instruments like guitar, violin, or piano.
まゆみさん は ギター を ひく こと が できる。
Mayumi-san can play the guitar.
Literally: “Mayumi-san + は + guitar + を + play / flick + thing + can do.”
かれ は ゆうめい な オーケストラ で バイオリン を ひいています。
He plays violin in a famous orchestra.
Literally: “he + は + famous + orchestra + で + violin + を + is playing / flicking.”
わたし は ピアノ を ひく こと に じんせい を ささげています。
I have devoted my whole life to playing the piano.
Literally: “I + は + piano + を + play / flick + ことに + whole life + を + am devoting.”
When talking about wind instruments, the verb 吹く (ふく) is used, which means “to blow.”
わたし は ブラスバンド ぶ で トランペット を ふいている。
I play the trumpet in a brass band club.
Literally: “I + は + brass band + club + で + trumpet + を + am blowing / am playing”
こうこうせい じだい、わたし は トロンボーン を ふいていました。
When I was in high school, I played the trombone.
Literally: “high school + era + I + は + trombone + を + was blowing / was playing”
わたし は フルート を ふく こと が すき です。
I love playing the flute.
Literally: “I + は + flute + を + blow / play + ことが + like + です”
Lastly, when you want to say you play the drums, you use the verb 叩く (たたく), which means “to hit.” The Japanese word 太鼓 (たいこ) is typically used for traditional drums, while the katakana word ドラム is used for modern drum sets. Check these words in Google Images to see what I mean.
かのじょ は ドラム を たたく こと が できる。
She can play the drums.
Literally: “she + は + drums + play / hit + can”
ブラジル の たいこ を たたこう!
Let’s play Brazilian drums!
Literally: “Brazilian + の + drums + を + let’s play / let's hit”
Try to figure out how to talk about the instrument you play.
Write down in Japanese how long you have been playing, what your favorite music is, or even what influenced you to start playing an instrument.
If you don’t happen to play anything, try writing about an instrument you would like to play if you could, or a concert you saw and which instruments were being played.
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: