313 - How to Make Rice

Rice is the king of Japan. Much like corn in America, rice is not only eaten plain, but it is used in all types of products. Rice flour, starch, sake, and even rice cakes are found everywhere in Japan. Everyone owns a rice cooker, and it's common to eat rice with almost every meal.

Even though I personally don’t cook very often, I still have a good-sized bag of rice and my rice cooker ready at all times. It is a staple food that is really easy to prepare.

So it was super surprising to me when I looked at the instructions on the back of my bag of rice yesterday and realized how many words I didn’t know. As someone who barely skims the directions for recipes, it never really occurred to me to take a closer look at this product I use nearly every day.

I would like to go through the directions on the back of the package, not only for you guys to learn some useful words and phrases (and how to make delicious rice!) but for me as well.

Sorry for the bad quality images, it was really hard to get pictures of this shiny rice bag.

First of all a little vocabulary note: ご飯(ごはん) refers to cooked rice and can also be used to describe a meal in general; while 米(こめ)means uncooked rice, or the rice grain.

おいしい ごはん の たきかた
How to cook delicious rice
Literally: “delicious + rice + の + how to cook”

いち.おこめ の ぶんりょう は、せいかく に。
Get the correct amount of rice.
Literally: “rice + の + amount + は + accurate + に”
Note: The ending に indicates an action

おこめ の ぶんりょう は、 けいりょう かっぷ など で ただしく はかって ください。
For the amount of rice, please measure it correctly with a measuring cup, etc.
Literally: “rice + の + amount + は + measuring + cup + etc. + correctly + measure + please”

に.てばやく、りずみかる に あらいましょう。
2. Let’s wash it quickly and rhythmically.
Literally: “quickly + rhythmically + に + let’s wash”

たっぷり の みず で、てばやく し ご かい かきまわし、ぬか くささ が おこめ に つかない ように、その みず を さっ と すてます。
With plenty of water, quickly stir 4 to 5 times; so that there is no rice bran smell, quickly throw out this water.
Literally: “plenty + の + water + で + quickly + 4-5 + times + stir up + rice bran + smell + が + rice + not attached + so that + that + water + を + quickly + throw out”

そして、さん よん かい みず を とりかえ ながら、ゆびさき を まわし おこめ を あらい、さいご は みず を きちんと きって ください。
Then, while changing the water 3 or 4 times, stir the washed rice with your fingertips, before finally draining all of the water.
Literally: “then + 3-4 + times + water + を + while changing + fingertips + を + stir + rice + を + wash + last + は + water + を + neatly + cut + please”

せんまい ご の ざるあげ は、 われこめ など の げんいん と なります ので、なるべく おさけ ください。
After washing the rice, it can break apart, so please avoid using a strainer.
Literally: “washed rice + after + の + strainer + rise + は + broken + rice + etc. + の + cause + と + become + ので +as much as possible + avoid + please”

さん.おいしい ごはん は、みずかげん が きめて。
3. As for delicious rice, the amount of water is the deciding factor.
Literally: “delicious + rice + は + amount of water + が + deciding factor”

うちがま の めもり を きじゅん に、おこのみ に より ぞうげん して ください。
Based on the measurements inside your rice cooker, increase or decrease the water as you like.
Literally: “rice cooker + の + measurements +を + basis + liking + according to + increase or decrease + do + please”

めもり の ない おなべ では、おこめ の ようりょう の やく いってんに ばい が めやす です。
For pots without measurements, the standard is about 1.2 times the rice.
Literally: “measurements + の + without + pot + では + rice + の + capacity + の +about + 1.2 + twice + が + standard + です”

よん.しんせき は、みず に じっくり いちじかん ていど。
4. Submerge in water for 1 hour.
Literally: “submerge + は + water + に + deliberately + 1 hour + amount”

すいおん に よって たしょう ことなります が、いちじかん ていど は みず に ひたして から、すいはん して ください。
Although the exact time differs for different water temperatures, please soak the rice for about 1 hour before cooking it.
Literally: “water temperature + depending on + more or less + differs + が + 1 hour + amount + は + water + に + soak + から + cook rice + please”

ご.しあげ は、ほぐし。
5. Loosen the remaining.
Literally: "finish + は + loosen"

しゃもじ を おかま の まわり から いれ、かまはだ から はなし、そこ の ほう から じょうげ に ごはん を つぶさない よう ほぐし、よぶん な じょうき を はっさん させて ください。
Inserting a rice scoop around the edge of the pot, release the rice from the bottom going up and down and, without crushing it, release the steam.
Literally: “rice scoop + を + pot + の + edge + から + enter + surface of the pot + から + release + that + の + ほう + から + up and down + に + rice + を + don’t crush + よう + loosen + extra + steam + を + emit + be done + please”

Wow. Rice bags are difficult. *_*

For more cooking action, you should look back at this lesson of Niko's:

[NDL #30] - Spicy-spicy-spicy instant Japanese curry.

This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor:

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