383 - A Little Time Together

A Few weeks ago, I wrote a lesson about Misleading Katakana Words. If you didn’t read it, here is your chance: Misleading Katakana Words

But katakana can get even more confusing.

Japanese people love to shorten words to make them a bit easier to say. For example Starbucks in Japanese, スターバックス, often becomes スタバ. You will find these abbreviations everywhere when you learn Japanese. The good news is that most of them are pretty straightforward and easy to understand. Until they start to shorten two words and smash them together.

Especially with long katakana words, the Japanese love to shorten them to something a bit easier to say. Of course, this is also done with long kanji words as well, like 東京大学 (とうきょうだいがく) is often just called 東大 (とうだい) to make it easier to say. But today I want to focus on katakana.

If you are familiar with all of the katakana characters, then written Japanese becomes a lot easier. You will instantly be able to understand most katakana words you run into. However, the words below might be an exception. The following katakana words are pretty much exclusively used in their abbreviated format. Familiarize yourself with these and you will soon become a katakana wizard!

Meaning: マスコミュニケーション // Mass Communication / Mass Media

にほん の マスコミ は へんこう している と おもいます。
I think Japan's mass media is biased.
Literally: “Japan + の + mass media + は + inclined + doing + think”

Meaning: コンビニエンス・ストア // Convenience Store

この あたり に コンビニ は ありません か。
There isn’t a convenience store around here, is there?
Literally: “this + area + に + convenience store + は + there isn’t + か”

Meaning: リモートコントローラー // Remote Controller

かのじょ は テレビ の リモコン を なくした。
She lost the remote control to the television.
Literally: “she + は + television + の + remote control + を + lost”

Meaning: スマートフォン // Smartphone

みんな、スマホ を つかっています。
Everyone uses a smartphone.
Literally: “everyone + smartphone + を + using”

Meaning: エアコンディショナー // Air Conditioner

あつい ので エアコン の おんど を さげて ください。
It’s hot, so can you please turn the temperature down on the air conditioner?
Literally: “hot + ので + air conditioner + の + temperature + を + lower + please”

Meaning: アメリカン・フットボール // American Football

アメフト の ルール は わかります か?
Do you understand the rules of American football?
Literally: “American football + の + rules + は + understand + か?”

Meaning: コスチューム・プレイ // Costume Play/Cosplay

コスプレ には きょうみ が ない。
I am not interested in cosplay.
Literally: “cosplay + には + interest + が + not”

Meaning: パーソナルコンピューター // Personal Computer

わたし は きょう パソコン を かいました。
Today I bought a computer.
Literally: “I + は + today + computer + を + bought”

Meaning: ポケット・モンスター // Pocket Monster / Pokemon

ポケモン は アメリカ や せかいじゅう の おおく の くに でも にんき が ある。
Pokemon is also popular in America and a lot of countries around the world.
Literally: “Pokemon + は + America + や + throughout the world + の + many + の + countries + でも + popular + が + is”

Now that you are familiar with these words, you will be hard pressed to find some katakana words you don't recognize. Keep practicing katakana, it is one of the easiest things to learn in Japanese, and also happens to be one of the most useful.

This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor:

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