913 - によって (through)
JLPT N3: によって (through; by; with)
You may recall that earlier we had an N3 lesson covering how によって can mean something like "depending on:"
とき と ばあい によって、 メガネ と コンタクト を つかいわけています。
Depending on the time and situation, I wear either glasses or contacts.
Literally: “time + と + situation + によって, + (eye)glasses + と + contact + を + am using (different things) for different purposes.”
Note: 時と場合によって is a set phrase.
But "depending on" is just one of six possible uses of によって (well, one of four uses if we're not counting によっては and によると).
An additional meaning of によって is something like "through," "by," or "with," like we see in this sentence:
チーム の スローガン は たすうけつ によって きまりました。
The team slogan was decided by a vote.
Literally: “team + の + slogan + は + majority vote + によって + was decided.”
To phrase it differently, によって can be used when describing the means or method by which something is done.
So, it's like で...?
Not exactly. で can be used when we are talking about common or familiar means or methods of doing something. For example, it is possible to say:
この しゃしん は スマホ で とった。
I took this picture with my smartphone.
Literally: "this + picture / photo + は + smartphone + で + took."
But we can't use によって when talking about common or familiar means or methods of doing something:
✖ この写真はスマホによって撮った。
✖ この しゃしん は スマホ によって とった。
✖ I took this picture with my smartphone.
✖ Literally: "this + picture / photo + は + smartphone + によって + took."
Instead of "common" or "familiar," perhaps "simple" is a better word. You'll find that によって is often used when describing slightly more complex methods of achieving things:
レーシックしゅじゅつ によって しりょく を かいふく する こと が できる。
It is possible to fix your vision with LASIK eye surgery.
Literally: “LASIK surgery + によって + vision + を + restoration / recovery + do + thing + が + can do.”
You may also be wondering if によって is interchangeable with を通じて (をつうじて) and を通して (をとおして), which we saw in this lesson and this lesson, since those also can describe the means by which something is done.
Well, they're somewhat similar, but they're not interchangeable. によって is not used when talking about doing something through an intermediary, whereas the other two are.
For example, in the following sentence, 旅行会社 (りょこうがいしゃ // travel agency) is not a tool or a method by which the hotel was booked. Rather, it is an intermediary through which the hotel was booked:
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして ぷさん の ホテル を よやく した。
I booked a hotel in Busan through a travel agency.
Literally: “travel agency + を通して + Busan + の + hotel + を + reservation + did.”
If we think about this too much, we can really start to confuse ourselves. For example, using によって in the following sentence would also sound a bit strange, since インターネット ([the] internet) is an intermediary (think: gateway) through which something was done:
いま は インターネット をつうじて せかいじゅう の ひと と ともだち に なれる。
Nowadays, you can make friends with people from all over the world via the internet.
Literally: “now + は + internet + を通じて + all around the world + の + people + と + friends + に + can become.”
It's confusing because we often refer to the internet as a tool, yeah?
Since the 使い分け (つかいわけ // proper use [of different things]) of によって, を通じて (をつうじて), and を通して (をとおして) is so subtle, I didn't even want to mention it, but I know a lot of people reading these lessons are as curious as I am about figuring out why certain words and phrases are used in certain situations while others are not.
All that stuff aside, I find that I encounter this usage of によって quite a bit more often than I encounter を通じて (をつうじて) or を通して (をとおして).
If you haven't already noticed this, によって will come directly after a NOUN:
ビーがた かんえん は、 よぼうせっしゅ を うける こと によって ふせげます。
Hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccination.
Literally: “type B + hepatitis + は, + vaccination + を + undergo / receive + thing + によって + can prevent.”
Don't be surprised if you encounter により instead of によって:
さいしん の ぎじゅつ により、 しゅんかん いどう が かのう に なった。
With the latest technology, teleportation has now become possible.
Literally: “the latest + の + technology + により, + teleportation (=instant + movement) + が + possible + に + became.”
Note: I wish this were true. I daydream about teleporting all over the world far more often than any adult should.
により has a somewhat stiffer-sounding nuance than によって, but overall it means the same thing.
Finally, if によって is embedded in a noun phrase (in which case it will be followed directly by a NOUN), it changes to による:
しょくじ せいげん による ダイエット は リバウンド し やすい ので、 うんどう も した ほう が いい です。
It is easy to gain back weight lost with a restricted diet, so you should also exercise.
Literally: “meal / eating + restriction / limit + による + diet (and exercise [to lose weight]) + は + rebound + easy to do + because (=ので), + exercise + も + should do (=did + way + が + good) + です.”
The noun phrase here is:
しょくじ せいげん による ダイエット
weight lost with a restricted diet
Literally: “meal / eating + restriction / limit + による + diet (and exercise [to lose weight])”
That's all for this one, but that's not all for によって.
Here's our progress so far:
☑ によって (depending on)
☑ によって (through)
☐ によって (by)
☐ によると (according to)
☐ によっては (some)
☐ によって (because of)
I know you're just dying to read the rest of these lessons...
Complete and Continue
You may recall that earlier we had an N3 lesson covering how によって can mean something like "depending on:"
とき と ばあい によって、 メガネ と コンタクト を つかいわけています。
Depending on the time and situation, I wear either glasses or contacts.
Literally: “time + と + situation + によって, + (eye)glasses + と + contact + を + am using (different things) for different purposes.”
Note: 時と場合によって is a set phrase.
But "depending on" is just one of six possible uses of によって (well, one of four uses if we're not counting によっては and によると).
An additional meaning of によって is something like "through," "by," or "with," like we see in this sentence:
チーム の スローガン は たすうけつ によって きまりました。
The team slogan was decided by a vote.
Literally: “team + の + slogan + は + majority vote + によって + was decided.”
To phrase it differently, によって can be used when describing the means or method by which something is done.
So, it's like で...?
Not exactly. で can be used when we are talking about common or familiar means or methods of doing something. For example, it is possible to say:
この しゃしん は スマホ で とった。
I took this picture with my smartphone.
Literally: "this + picture / photo + は + smartphone + で + took."
But we can't use によって when talking about common or familiar means or methods of doing something:
✖ この写真はスマホによって撮った。
✖ この しゃしん は スマホ によって とった。
✖ I took this picture with my smartphone.
✖ Literally: "this + picture / photo + は + smartphone + によって + took."
Instead of "common" or "familiar," perhaps "simple" is a better word. You'll find that によって is often used when describing slightly more complex methods of achieving things:
レーシックしゅじゅつ によって しりょく を かいふく する こと が できる。
It is possible to fix your vision with LASIK eye surgery.
Literally: “LASIK surgery + によって + vision + を + restoration / recovery + do + thing + が + can do.”
You may also be wondering if によって is interchangeable with を通じて (をつうじて) and を通して (をとおして), which we saw in this lesson and this lesson, since those also can describe the means by which something is done.
Well, they're somewhat similar, but they're not interchangeable. によって is not used when talking about doing something through an intermediary, whereas the other two are.
For example, in the following sentence, 旅行会社 (りょこうがいしゃ // travel agency) is not a tool or a method by which the hotel was booked. Rather, it is an intermediary through which the hotel was booked:
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして ぷさん の ホテル を よやく した。
I booked a hotel in Busan through a travel agency.
Literally: “travel agency + を通して + Busan + の + hotel + を + reservation + did.”
If we think about this too much, we can really start to confuse ourselves. For example, using によって in the following sentence would also sound a bit strange, since インターネット ([the] internet) is an intermediary (think: gateway) through which something was done:
いま は インターネット をつうじて せかいじゅう の ひと と ともだち に なれる。
Nowadays, you can make friends with people from all over the world via the internet.
Literally: “now + は + internet + を通じて + all around the world + の + people + と + friends + に + can become.”
It's confusing because we often refer to the internet as a tool, yeah?
Since the 使い分け (つかいわけ // proper use [of different things]) of によって, を通じて (をつうじて), and を通して (をとおして) is so subtle, I didn't even want to mention it, but I know a lot of people reading these lessons are as curious as I am about figuring out why certain words and phrases are used in certain situations while others are not.
All that stuff aside, I find that I encounter this usage of によって quite a bit more often than I encounter を通じて (をつうじて) or を通して (をとおして).
If you haven't already noticed this, によって will come directly after a NOUN:
ビーがた かんえん は、 よぼうせっしゅ を うける こと によって ふせげます。
Hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccination.
Literally: “type B + hepatitis + は, + vaccination + を + undergo / receive + thing + によって + can prevent.”
Don't be surprised if you encounter により instead of によって:
さいしん の ぎじゅつ により、 しゅんかん いどう が かのう に なった。
With the latest technology, teleportation has now become possible.
Literally: “the latest + の + technology + により, + teleportation (=instant + movement) + が + possible + に + became.”
Note: I wish this were true. I daydream about teleporting all over the world far more often than any adult should.
により has a somewhat stiffer-sounding nuance than によって, but overall it means the same thing.
Finally, if によって is embedded in a noun phrase (in which case it will be followed directly by a NOUN), it changes to による:
しょくじ せいげん による ダイエット は リバウンド し やすい ので、 うんどう も した ほう が いい です。
It is easy to gain back weight lost with a restricted diet, so you should also exercise.
Literally: “meal / eating + restriction / limit + による + diet (and exercise [to lose weight]) + は + rebound + easy to do + because (=ので), + exercise + も + should do (=did + way + が + good) + です.”
The noun phrase here is:
しょくじ せいげん による ダイエット
weight lost with a restricted diet
Literally: “meal / eating + restriction / limit + による + diet (and exercise [to lose weight])”
That's all for this one, but that's not all for によって.
Here's our progress so far:
☑ によって (depending on)
☑ によって (through)
☐ によって (by)
☐ によると (according to)
☐ によっては (some)
☐ によって (because of)
I know you're just dying to read the rest of these lessons...