922 - に代わって(にかわって)
代わる (かわる) is a verb meaning "to take the place of," "to substitute for," etc.
Note for kanji nerds: |
Anyway, the pattern に代わって (にかわって) means something like "instead of" or "in place of."
For example, in the following sentence, this is happening:
あらき せんせい にかわって
in place of Araki-sensei
In other words, the NOUN appearing before に代わって is what is being substituted out for something else:
さんきゅう ちゅう の あらき せんせい にかわって、 しばらく わたし が りか の じゅぎょう を うけもつ ことになった。
While Araki-sensei is away on maternity leave, I will be teaching science in her place.
Literally: “during (her) maternity leave + の + Araki-sensei + に代わって, + a little while + I + が + science + の + classes + を + take charge of + has been decided that (=thing + に + became).”
It's also possible to say に代わり (にかわり) instead of に代わって (にかわって). The meaning is basically the same:
さんきゅう ちゅう の あらき せんせい にかわり、 しばらく わたし が りか の じゅぎょう を うけもつ ことになった。
While Araki-sensei is away on maternity leave, I will be teaching science in her place.
Literally: “during (her) maternity leave + の + Araki-sensei + に代わり, + a little while + I + が + science + の + classes + を + take charge of + has been decided that (=thing + に + became).”
If you've been encountering some Japanese in your own daily life, you're probably more familiar with the phrase の代わりに (のかわりに) (note that there is a の before 代わり [かわり] and a に after it!), which has almost the same meaning:
さんきゅう ちゅう の あらき せんせい のかわりに、 しばらく わたし が りか の じゅぎょう を うけもつ ことになった。
While Araki-sensei is away on maternity leave, I will be teaching science in her place.
Literally: “during (her) maternity leave + の + Araki-sensei + の代わりに, + a little while + I + が + science + の + classes + を + take charge of + has been decided that (=thing + に + became).”
The main difference is that に代わって (にかわって) (or に代わり [にかわり]) sounds a lot stiffer and more formal than の代わりに. I hear and say の代わりに (のかわりに) a lot more often in my own interactions in Japanese.
With that, I've covered basically the entirety of this grammar point.
All that's left now is to start getting a feel for it by exposing ourselves to some example sentences...
わがや で は いそがしい りょうしん にかわって、 わたしたち が おとうと の めんどう を みています。
Our parents are both busy people, so we take care of our little brother instead.
Literally: “our family + で + は + busy + parents + に代わって, + we + が + younger brother + の + care + を + are looking.”
アメリカ で は、 しゅと である ワシントン ディーシー にかわり、 ニューヨーク が さいだい の とし と なっている。
In America, instead of the capital, Washington D.C., New York is the biggest city.
Literally: “America + で + は, + capital city + である + Washington D.C. + に代わり, + New York + が + biggest + の + city + と + is becoming.”
あの かいしゃ は、 じゅうらい の おかね にかわって、 かそうつうか で きゅうりょう を しはらっている そうだ。
Apparently, that company pays their employees with virtual currency instead of conventional money.
Literally: “that + company + は, + traditional / conventional + の + money + に代わって, + virtual currency + で + wages + を + are paying + そうだ (=[hearsay marker]).”
If you're hoping to master all the uses of the verb 代わる (かわる), then reviewing these lessons would be a good idea:
- [NDL #338] - JLPT N3: 代わりに (in place of)
- [NDL #345] - JLPT N3: 代わりに (in exchange for)
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