880 - ばかりでなく

JLPT N3: ばかりでなく (not only... but [also])

The word ばかり means something like "only."

We first saw it in an N4 lesson: [NDL #316] - JLPT N4: ~たばかりだ. It also shows up in a few N2 grammar points, but we can worry about those some other time.

In this lesson, we're exploring the phrase ばかりでなく, which will typically be translated to something like "not only... but (also)."

It's a bit similar to another grammar point that we saw with でなく in an earlier N3 lesson: [NDL #485] - JLPT N3: (ただ)~だけでなく.

Two examples:

かれ は にほんご ばかりでなく、 かんこくご や ロシアご、 ベンガルご まで はなす ことができます。
Not only can he speak Japanese, but also languages like Korean, Russian, and even Bengali.
Literally: “he + は + Japanese (language) + only + でなく, + Korean (language) + や + Russian (language), + Bengali (language) + まで + speak + thing + が + can do.”

その ほうほう だ と こうりつ が わるい ばかりでなく、 おかね も かかります。
Not only would that method be inefficient, it would also be costly.
Literally: “that + method + だ + と + efficiency + が + bad + only + でなく, + money + も + costs.”

Aside from ばかりでなく, you'll notice that I also put まで (until; up to) and (also) in bold text. You'll find that particles like these commonly show up in the phrase after ばかりでなく since they express that something is "also" or "even" the case.


👷 Construction 👷

Generally speaking, our patterns are:

Plain-Form Word ばかりでなく

I should point out, however, that we need to include when using na-adjectives:


All of these patterns are used in the lesson.


There's not much left for me to explain about ばかりでなく, so let's just make our way through a few more examples and call it a day...

じしん の えいきょう で、 でんしゃ が とまった ばかりでなく、 でんわ も いっさい つかえなく なった。
Due to the earthquake, not only did the trains stop, but phones stopped working completely, too.
Literally: “earthquake + の + effect / influence + で, + train + が + stopped + only + でなく, + phone + も + completely + unable to use (and) + became.”

かのじょ は さんじ の はは である ばかりでなく、 ゆうめいな ほけん がいしゃ の しゃちょう でもある。
Not only is she the mother of three kids, but also the president of a famous insurance company.
Literally: “she + は + three children + の + mother + である + only + でなく, + famous + insurance + -company + の + president + でもある (=is also).”
Note: Be sure not to miss how 保険会社 (insurance company) is ほけんいしゃ, not ほけんかいしゃ.

ぬの おむつ は けいざいてきな ばかりでなく、 かんきょう に も やさしい。
Not only are cloth diapers economical, they’re also easier on the environment.
Literally: “cloth + diaper + は + economical + only + でなく, + environment + に + も + gentle.”


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