554 - ~続ける

JLPT N4: ~続ける (keep on VERB-ing; continue to VERB)

Hang in there. We are almost finished with this latest N4 series on verbs that attach to the ます-stem of other verbs.

The lessons so far:
- [NDL #546] - JLPT N4: ~終わる
- [NDL #547] - JLPT N4: ~出す
- [NDL #553] - JLPT N4: ~始める

The grammar points covered:

V ます終わる (おわる
to finish VERB-ing

V ます出す (だす
to (suddenly) start VERB-ing

V ます始める (はじめる
to start VERB-ing

To wrap up this series, we have:

V ます続ける (つづける
to continue VERB-ing

The verb 続ける (つづける) means "to continue," so it makes perfect sense that attaching it to the ます-stem of another verb means "to continue VERB-ing" or "to keep on VERB-ing."

We don't have to memorize any strange rules or anything for this grammar point, which means that all you have to do is work your way through four example sentences.

In our examples, ~続ける will be attaching to the following verbs:

運転する(うんてんする // to drive

吸う(すう // to smoke; to breathe in; to inhale

やる(やる // to do

産む(うむ // to give birth; to lay [eggs]

Go go grammar examples!

いちにち じゅう うんてん しつづけて、 くび が いたく なりました。
I kept driving for an entire day, and now my neck is sore [and my neck became sore].
Literally: “one whole day + driving + kept doing (and), + neck + が + painful + became.

かのじょ は さんじゅう ねん いじょう も タバコ を すいつづけています。
She’s been smoking (nonstop) for over 30 years.
Literally: “she + は + 30 years + over + も + tobacco + を + is continuing to smoke.”

なにか を やりつづける こと は、 はじめる こと より たいへん です。
Sticking with something is tougher than starting something.
Literally: “something + を + keep on doing + thing + は, + start + thing + more than (=より) + tough / difficult + です.”

じょおうばち は、 ほとんど やすむ ことなく たまご を うみつづけます。
The queen bee continues to lay eggs without taking hardly any breaks.
Literally: “queen bee + は, + mostly + rest + without + egg + を + continues to lay.

You're finished.

I now dub thee ます-Stem Master.

May all ます-stems cower before your might.

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