693 - ため(に)《for》
JLPT N4: ため(に)《for》
We've already seen how ため(に)can be used to say both "because of" and "in order to":
- [NDL #351] - JLPT N4: ため(に)《because of》
- [NDL #393] - JLPT N4: ため(に)《in order to》
In this lesson, we're looking at how ため(に)can be used to say "for."
That's "for" in a sentence like "I could do anything for my family" or "This ramp is for people in wheelchairs."
Actually, we have both of those sentences in this lesson:
かぞく の ため なら なんだって できる。
I could do anything for my family.
Literally: “family + の + sake / benefit + if it’s the case + anything + can do.”
この スロープ は くるまいす の ひと の ため に あります。
This ramp is for people in wheelchairs.
Literally: “this + ramp (=slope) + は + wheelchair + の + person + の + sake / benefit + に + there is.”
You'll see that I'm putting "sake / benefit" as the literal meaning of ため. It always helped me personally to think of it as meaning those two words.
While the other usages of ため(に)that we've seen before can be directly preceded by a variety of word types, when ため(に)means "for," it will always be preceded by "NOUN + の."
NOUN + の + ため(に)
for NOUN
It makes sense that we only use this pattern because we are talking about doing things "for" a person or group.
⚠ Detour ⚠
Did you notice the word なんだって in the following sentence?
かぞく の ため なら なんだって できる。
I could do anything for my family.
Literally: “family + の + sake / benefit + if it’s the case + anything + can do.”
なんだって is a lot like なんでも in that they both mean "anything" (or "everything").
Be careful, though: なんだって and なんでも may be similar, but だって and でも are quite different.
Let's start with some examples:
ケーキ?! こんげつ あまい もの たべない って やくそく した じゃん!
Cake?! We promised each other we wouldn’t eat sweets this month! [You promised me you wouldn’t eat sweets this month!]
Literally: “cake?! + this month + sweet + thing + won’t eat + って + promise + did + right(?)!”
それ やめた。 だって がまん できない んだ もん。
I gave up on that. (I mean,) I just can't resist.
Literally: “that + quit / stopped. + after all / because + patience / tolerance / self-control + can't do + んだ + もん (=because)!”
この パソコン よさそう。 でも たかい。
This computer looks good. But it’s expensive.
Literally: “this + PC + looks good. + but + expensive.”
だって straddles the line between "but" and "because," and it tends to have a whiny or childish ring to it. I would stick to using it in casual conversation only.
でも, on the other hand, mostly means "but" or "however." Unlike だって, it can be used in both spoken and written language.
Anyway, let's get back to "for ため"...
Two more examples, and then we'll be done:
わたし は けいば が すきな ひと の ため の サイト を うんえい しています。
I run a site for people that like horse racing.
Literally: “I + は + horse racing + が + liked + person + の + sake / benefit + の + (Web) site + を + management / operation + am doing.”
リアーナ が だいすきな まごむすめ の ために、 ライブ の チケット を とって あげた。
I got concert tickets for my granddaughter, who loves Rihanna. // My granddaughter loves Rihanna, so I got her concert tickets.
Literally: “Rihanna + が + loved + granddaughter + の + sake / benefit + に, + live show / concert + の + ticket + を + took (and) + gave (her).”
You のために, I wrote this lesson, by the way.
Hope you liked it.
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