796 - ~なくてはならない
This lesson will be a breeze... if you've already read these other lessons:
- [NDL #794] - JLPT N4: ~なければならない
- [NDL #795] - JLPT N4: ~なければいけない
The ~なくてはならない ending is used when saying that something "must" be done or be a certain way:
おすもうさん は、 からだ が やわらかくなくてはならない。
Sumo wrestlers need to be flexible [limber].
Literally: “お-sumo-san + は, + body + が + must be soft.”
It is also possible to say ~なくてはいけない (ending with いけない instead of ならない), which has the same meaning:
おすもうさん は、 からだ が やわらかくなくてはいけない。
Sumo wrestlers need to be flexible [limber].
Literally: “お-sumo-san + は, + body + が + must be soft.”
The meaning of ~なくてはならない and ~なくてはいけない is pretty much the same as ~なければいけない, which we saw in our last lesson. It's also very similar to ~なければならない, except for the fact that ~なければならない is often used to describe things that "must" be done or be a certain way according to social conventions (as opposed to personal beliefs).
👷 Construction 👷
You will see ~なくてはならない being used with VERBS, i-adjectives, and na-adjectives and NOUNS in the following ways:
V なくてはならない
i-adjective く + なくてはならない
na-adjective / NOUN + で + なくてはならない
In lessons using ~なければ(ならない/いけない)we saw that ~なければ can morph into ~なきゃ, and the ならない/いけない ending can be dropped.
Something very similar happens with ~なくては(ならない/いけない):~なくては can morph into ~なくちゃ, and the ならない/いけない ending can be dropped.
You'll find that it is more common for people to just say things like ~なきゃ and ~なくちゃ in spoken language. After all, who has time for all of those other syllables?!
↑ We have examples of all of this stuff in this lesson.
With that, all that's left is for us to power through a handful of example sentences. Once we do so, we will have covered all of the "must" grammar points!
こども の おもちゃ は あんぜんでなくてはいけません。
Children’s toys need to be safe.
Literally: “children + の + toy + は + safe + must be.”
シニア たいかい に しゅつじょう する には ろくじゅうごさい いじょうでなくてはなりません。
You must be at least 65 years old in order to compete in the seniors’ tournament.
Literally: “senior + tournament / mass meeting + に + appearance + do + に + は + 65 years old + at least + must be.”
あした あそばない?
Wanna hang out tomorrow? // Wanna do something tomorrow?
Literally: “tomorrow, + won’t play?”
ごめん、 あした は いえ に いなくちゃいけない んだ。
Sorry, but I have to stay home tomorrow.
Literally: “sorry, + tomorrow + は + house + に + must be.”
そろそろ しゅうでん の じかん だ。 かえらなくては。
My last train is soon. I need to go home.
Literally: “soon + last train + の + time + だ. + must return home.”
もっと べんきょう がんばらなくちゃ。 もうすぐ じゅけん なんだ から。
You need to put more effort into your studies. Your exams are coming up soon.
Literally: “more + studying / studies + must try (your) best. + soon + taking an (entrance) examination + なんだ + から (=because).”
Note: The speaker could, for example, be a mother speaking to her son or daughter.
You must read lessons multiple times if you really want grammar points to stick. ^_^
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